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Members Policy

The interactive components on this Website are intended for members to engage in an exchange of information about a diverse range of topics, to share their stories and to ask questions.

You acknowledge that the views of members posting queries, comments or statements on this Website are not necessarily our views, and are not necessarily endorsed by us. You are solely responsible for your own communications, the consequences of posting those communications, and your reliance on any communications found within the interactive components of this Website. You acknowledge that divergent points of view provide for vigorous and refreshing debate amongst members, and while you may not always agree with another member's opinion, it is courteous to remember that each member is entitled to their own point of view.

You must not use the interactive components to engage in any illegal activity, any civil wrong or tort or any other activity that may cause loss or damage to another person. You agree to indemnify us in relation to any loss or damage incurred by us and any liability to a third party that accrues to us as a result of any use by you of the interactive components of this Website which in contravention of these

Member Terms.
Without limiting the activities which may be prohibited by these Member Terms by virtue of them constituting offenses against criminal or civil laws in your jurisdiction, you must not post any material (including images, graphics, video, posts or any other content submitted by a member) to this Website that:

  • makes a false or misleading representation or constitutes misleading or deceptive conduct;

  • is defamatory;

  • constitutes a breach of copyright or another intellectual property right;

  • contravenes a suppression order or constitutes a contempt of Court or Parliament;

  • constitutes a breach of confidentiality or contract;

  • incites or counsels any person to commit a criminal offense or constitutes a breach of public order;

  • is deliberately inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, obscene, profane, inappropriately sexually oriented, threatening or constitutes harassment;

  • contains expletives or foul language; or

  • Contravenes classifications, discrimination, privacy or anti-vilification laws or laws restricting or governing political advertising.

In addition, you must not use the interactive components of this Website for commercial purposes.

You can only post under your own username and you must not utilize this Website in any manner by which you purport to be someone else. Remember also that this Website is a public place, so you should not post personal information that you would not be comfortable sharing with a stranger. We recommend that you use only your first name or a pseudonym as your username and that you don’t post any information that may identify you or anyone else (such as your address, email address or phone number). If you are under 18 years of age, you should obtain the consent of your parent or guardian prior to registering as a member.

At all times, you should maintain an awareness that a range of people (from different backgrounds, of varying ages, with diverse skill levels and with differing levels of familiarity with the topics being discussed), will be reading and posting to the interactive components of the Website. In order to facilitate discussion, please only use English in your posts.

By agreeing to these Members Terms, you also acknowledge that all material posted to the interactive components of this Website may be read by a moderator. We reserve the right to remove any post that contravenes these Member Terms or which the Website moderators (in their sole discretion) consider to be inappropriate for inclusion on the Website. This may be done without any prior notice to the person who has contributed that post. We further reserve the right to suspend or cancel the registration of any member who contravenes these Member Terms.

If any material you post raises concerns about your safety or the safety of others, we may try to contact you to make sure that you or others are safe. You acknowledge that we may also need to pass your contact details on to authorities who can help protect your safety or the safety of others (for example, to the police or a mental health crisis service).

We may also email you if:

  • your chosen display name or avatar is in breach of the Online Forums Community Rules;

  • we have edited/not published your post as it is in breach of the Online Forums Community Rules;

  • a reply has been deleted because another user has requested a thread be removed; or

  • someone has replied to a thread you started.

You acknowledge that the interactive components of this Website are not intended to be, nor should they be construed or relied upon to provide, medical advice. If you require medical advice or assistance you should contact a health professional, or if urgent assistance is required, please go to the Get Support page of this Website or contact your nearest hospital or emergency service.

By posting material to the interactive components, you grant us an irrevocable, perpetual, payment-free, worldwide and non-exclusive license to use, modify, adapt and publish that material.

You may request at any time that your membership be cancelled from the Website. By doing so, you understand and agree that we may retain your personal information for up to six months from the date of your request and that all activity associated with your account that was generated prior to the date of your cancellation request will remain permanently on the Website (for example, your posts in the interactive components will not be deleted).

In these Member Terms, "we" and "us" refers to United Nationals Countryless Children and any contractors we employ in relation to the management or moderation of this Website, and "our" has a similar meaning.

By registering, and participating in the interactive components of the Beyond UNCC website ("Website"), you agree that these terms and conditions ("Member Terms") will apply to your use. These Member terms apply to any interactive components that may be implemented on the Website from time to time, including the discussion forums, Share Your Story, the contact page and, if applicable, the UNCC Voices portal. All of these features are comprised in the term "interactive components" in these Member Terms.

We may change these Member Terms at any time without notice. Any amendment will be effective immediately. Your continued use of the Website after any amendment constitutes an agreement by you to comply with, and be bound by, the amended Member Terms. Accordingly, you should access and read the Member Terms from time to time for changes.

These Member Terms incorporate, and should be read together with the Website Terms of Use and the Online Forums Community Rules.

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