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Online Forums - Privacy Collection Statement

United Nationals Countryless Childrenis committed to protecting your privacy and complying with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and other relevant laws in relation to the management of personal information.

Why we collect, hold, use or disclose your personal information

We collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information so you can register and participate in United Nationals Countryless Children’s Online Forums.

When is personal information collected?

Personal information collected may include information such as:

  • your name;

  • our date of birth;

  • your contact details (including telephone number, address and/or email address);

  • information about your health and medical history; and telecommunications data and information on website usage.

If you wish, you may register to use the Online Forums anonymously or by using a pseudonym (that is, a fake name), or otherwise not provide personal information through the registration process, however, we may still collect personal information including telecommunications data and information on website usage. 

How do we deal with your personal information?

How do we deal with your personal information?

We will deal with your personal information in the following ways. 

  1. The personal information collected as part of the Online Forums registration process is recorded against you user profile to enable us to meet our website management needs (for example, by enabling you to participate and become a member of the online community).

  2. We will keep records in your account history about your profile activity or communications we have had with you. We will not make any attempt to identify you or your browsing activities from the collection of this information.

  3. We may disclose your personal information:

  • to our service providers (such as our IT and analytics service providers) who may themselves disclose to other service providers as part of delivery of the Online Forums;

  • if you have consented to the disclosure;

  • if you would reasonably expect disclosure for that purpose, and which is directly related to the primary purpose of collection;

  • where disclosure is necessary to prevent injury to life or health; 

  • if required or authorised by or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal order;

  • to manage complaints and legal issues and interact with regulators and governmental agencies; or

  • to develop and improve the Online Forums generally.

De-identified information may also be used in academic articles, in presentations and shared with research partners and may also be used for marketing purposes.

We do not directly disclose personal information to recipients located overseas.

Our third-party service providers may store personal information overseas when providing services.

Our website and mobile applications

Please refer to our Privacy Policy for information about how our websites and mobile applications use cookies, Google Analytics, Facebook analytics, Site improve analytics and marketing automation tools. 

We collect your device’s last known IP address and, if you are a registered user, store it against your website profile.

Sharing other people's stories

P If you want to share a story about another person and it involves their personal information (or if they will be reasonably identifiable from the information you want to share), please get the other person’s consent first and let them know about our Privacy Policy.   

Our Privacy Policy

We will otherwise collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy which sets out how you may access and correct the personal information that we hold about you and how to complain about a suspected breach of your privacy or about how we have handled your personal information. 

How to contact us

Post: Attention:
The Privacy Officer
United Nationals Countryless Children
120 Beaudesert road Moorooka Qld 4105

This Privacy Collection Statement was last updated in October 2021 and may change from time to time. Any updated versions will be posted on this website and will be effective from the date of posting. 

In this Privacy Collection Statement, references to “United Nationals Countryless Children”, "we", "us" and "our" are references to United Nationals Countryless.

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