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Support Service terms of use

The UNCC, Support Service connects people with trained counsellors who are able to provide brief counselling, information and referrals for anxiety and depression.

The Support Service is provided online, including in the form of webchat and/or email through the UNCC, website, and via telephone.

The Support Service is provided by UNCC,, an organisation with expertise in providing mental health counselling and support and a subsidiary of Australian Unity Limited.

Your use of the Support Service is subject to the Terms of Use below, which contain important information (including warranty disclaimers and limitations of liability). Your use of the Support Service constitutes acceptance of these Terms of Use.

In these Terms of Use, references to UNCC, are references to UNCC, Limited ACN 093 865 840, and references to UNCC, are references to UNCC..

1. Information is of a general nature only and no warranties are provided

The information provided during your interaction(s) with the Support Service is for general information purposes only and it should not be regarded as legal or medical advice. Subject to the consumer guarantees provided for in consumer protection legislation (including the Australian Consumer Law), UNCC, UFVRA, Envy & Jealousy therapy do not give any express or implied warranties and make no representations in relation to the Support Service. Information obtained from the Support Service should not be used without you making and relying on your own assessment of the information and its appropriateness to your circumstances, including obtaining professional advice where it is prudent to do so.

2. Viruses

In addition, subject to the consumer guarantees provided for in consumer protection legislation (including the Australian Consumer Law), and while all care is taken to ensure a virus free and private environment UNCC, UFVRA,  Envy &  Jealousy therapy do not warrant that the Support Service online is free from any computer viruses or other defects.

3. Limitation of liability

Subject to the consumer guarantees provided for in consumer protection legislation (including the Australian Consumer Law), UNCC, UFVRA,  Envy &  Jealousy therapy exclude all liability for any loss, damage, claim, cost or expense whatsoever arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Use or the Support Service.

4. Access and communication

UNCC, UFVRA,  Envy &  Jealousy therapy do not warrant that you will have continuous access to the Support Service. UNCC, UFVRA,  Envy &  Jealousy therapy will not be liable in the event that the Support Service is not unavailable to you online due to computer downtime attributable to malfunctions, upgrades, preventative or remedial maintenance activities on the UNCC, website or interruption in telecommunications supply. Please remember that if the Support Service is unavailable online, you may access the Support Service via telephone, and vice versa.

5. Privacy

Any personal information that you submit to UNCC, is subject to and will be handled in accordance with UNCC, Privacy Policy and the Privacy Collection Statement for the Support Service. The Privacy Policy and Privacy Collection Statement form part of these Terms of Use.

The Privacy Policy and Privacy Collection Statement are available through the UNCC, website. UNCC, ’s Privacy Policy is also available on its website at

6. Privacy and third party providers

UNCC, UFVRA,  Envy &  Jealousy therapy do not guarantee the delivery of electronic communications as such communications rely on third party service providers. Electronic communication (including electronic mail) is vulnerable to interception by third parties and UNCC, UFVRA,  Envy &  Jealousy therapy do not guarantee the security or confidentiality of these communications or the security of the Support Service. UNCC, UFVRA,  Envy &  Jealousy therapy do not provide, and have no control over, communication networks or services, the internet or other technology used or required to access the Support Service and accept no responsibility for any direct or indirect loss in any form associated with them, whether due to congestion, technical malfunction, viruses or otherwise.

7. Cookies

If your web browser is set up to accept cookies, a cookie will be stored on your system when you visit the Support Service online. Cookies allow UNCC, to distinguish unique visitors and control the flow of pages within the site. Your activity on this site will be logged, which will include the IP address (es) of your system (numbers assigned to your computer system or location when you connect via an Internet Service Provider). If you would rather not have this information stored on your computer, you can configure your browser so it does not accept cookies. However, if you disable cookies you may not be able to properly use the Support Service online.

8. Intellectual property

All intellectual property rights, including copyright and patents, in the Support Service, and all components in these services, are owned by or licensed to UNCC, and/or UNCC, . You must not copy, modify or transmit any part of the Support Service.

9. Prohibited uses

In using the Support Service you must not, as applicable:

  1. -- defame, abuse, stalk, harass, threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights of others, including without limitation, rights relating to privacy and publicity;

  2. -- publish, distribute, email, transmit or disseminate any material which is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, indecent, offensive or inappropriate (including any material that infringes intellectual property rights);

  3. -- use any automated scripting tools or software;

  4. -- engage in any commercial activity including marketing, advertising or commercial promotion of goods or services, data mine or use robots or other data collection methods;

  5. -- impersonate or falsely claim to represent a person or organisation;

  6. -- send unsolicited emails or spam;

  7. -- post, link to, distribute or transmit any information, material or item which contains a virus, Trojan horse, worm or other harmful or disruptive component designed to interrupt, limit or destroy the functionality of other computer software or hardware or to utilise other computer systems for improper purposes or without authorisation; or

  8. -- breach any laws or regulations which are applicable to your use of this website in your jurisdiction.

10. Termination

UNCC, may at any time immediately terminate your access (including restricting access) to the Support Service (including due to your breach or alleged breach of these Terms of Use) in its sole discretion and without prior notice. Any limitations of our liability survive such termination.

11. Jurisdiction and law

These Terms of Use are governed by and must be construed in accordance with the laws of Victoria and Queensland, Australia. You submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts exercising jurisdiction there in respect of all matters arising out of or relating to these Terms of Use, their performance and subject matter.

12. Severability

Each provision of these Terms of Use is severable from the others and severance of a provision will not affect any other provision.

13. Changes to the Support Service and UNCC, website

The Support Service is subject to change at any time without notice and may contain errors. UNCC, may from time to time review and update these Terms of Use to take account of new laws, regulations, products or technology. Your use of the Support Service will be governed by the most recent Terms of Use. By continuing to use the Support Service, you agree to be bound by the most recent Terms of Use.

14. Contacting UNCC,

If you have questions about the Support Service, these Terms of Use or UNCC,  Privacy Policy, please contact UNCC,  at

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